Héctor Cortés Hector Cortes
Analog Street Photography.01 and analogous subjects —— paper-based Sketches and Drawings.02 —— digital related works, including Designs.03 and Pixel Art —— the making of and behind the project Blogs.04 —— a four by four Pixel Font.11 —— Dodo AppBeta Page.17: UX case study —— 3D.19 works with Blender —— physical works: Arduino.23 —— scans of strangers' Lost Objects.29 —— .31 and collaborations —— my Telegram/Signal Stickers ↓ 👁let me👁.34
Mac 128Kaos
Vegetable English
—— Greek Digital MosaicPixel Art👾 ➚.37 from the 1980s —— chill out <Playground>.404 codepens
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